Monday, September 3, 2012

Diving Into the Waves: Bye-Bye, Summer

After tomorrow, summer is over. School starts Tuesday for Cole and Dean and Emmett and I will be off to our first swim lesson together. I feel like it's the death of an era. I know, that's kind of extreme. But I've been home with the boys in some combo of home/working/grad student for the last 5 years. I love being home with them, even when I feel like I'm going to go crazy. I love spending the day with them, even when I don't have a break because no one will nap. I have loved this summer and freedom that a lack of schedule has brought us. I have loved the adventures with these three. Now they're going to be off to separate schools, separate grades, separate. Why can't I just freeze them this way?

I can't hug them enough, tell them I love them enough. Trust me, they are ready to go back to (or just to) school, and sometimes I can't wait too. But I know full well that this time is just a breath, and so I'm inhaling deeply and being present in this last day of this chapter.


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