Monday, November 28, 2011

Adjunct Law Prof Blog: Legal Education Reform

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November 27, 2011

Legal Education Reform

On Nov. 25, 2011, the NY Times wrote an important editional about Legal Education. They explain that legal education is in crisis because of the focus on the case book method. However, legal education is in crisis because the professors who teach cannot practice law. I am serious. Most of the students do not realize that you can count on one hand the number of professors who have 5 years of practice or more. Many are not even admitted to the bar where they teach. Why? Because law schools focus on legal theory, and hiring people with fancy degrees. Practice is a hinderance.?

As many of you know, I also write law review articles. Professors have criticized some of what I have written because it is practice orientated. Isn't that what students are paying us to do?? Nothing is going to change until law schools hire professors with practical experience. Until then the old saying is very true. "Those who can't do teach"

Mitchell H. Rubinstein

November 27, 2011 in Law Schools | Permalink


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