By Randee Dawn
Looks like Peter Gabriel isn't the only musician in a rush to flee from Rush Limbaugh's radio talk show: The Canadian progressive rock band Rush has now sent a cease-and-desist letter to "The Rush Limbaugh Show" to get its music pulled, according to Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go!, which began reporting the story yesterday.
The radio show has long used Rush songs to weave between the show and advertisements.?The band's song "Spirit of Radio" was played during one of Limbaugh's attacks on Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke after she testified at a hearing?about insurance coverage of contraceptives.
Cesca posted the official letter from Rush's attorney, which reads, in part:
"According to media reports, Rush Limbaugh, Premiere Radio Networks and The Rush Limbaugh Show have been using Rush's recorded music as part of what is essentially a political broadcast. The use of Rush's music in this way is an infringement of Rush's copyrights and trademarks. The public performance of Rush's music is not licensed for political purposes and any such use is in breach of public performance licenses and constitutes copyright infringement.... Accordingly, we hereby demand that you immediately stop all use of Rush's music and confirm that you will do so."
Meanwhile, not everyone wants to put Limbaugh's face on a target -- some would rather see it on a large statue: The Missouri native is going to be honored in the state capitol's "Hall of Famous Missourians" with a sculptured bust that is currently being crafted by Kansas City sculptor E. Spencer Schubert.
His likeness will sit alongside other famous state residents, including President Harry Truman, Mark Twain and Laura Ingalls Wilder.
St. Louis Today reports that the sculptures cost approximately $10,000 each and funds come from an annual golf tournament organized by state House speaker Steven Tilley -- who proposed the statue in the first place.
The Washington Post reports that Missouri Democrats are trying to stop the inclusion of the bust, but as private funds are being used they may have limited ability to stop it. Tilly said on Monday, "It's not the hall of Universally Loved Missourians. It's the Hall of Famous Missourians."
Did Rush (the band) do the right thing? What do you think about a statue honoring Limbaugh? Share your thoughts on Facebook.
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