Friday, January 25, 2013

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates Endorses Chuck Hagel

Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates - who served under both George W. Bush and Barack Obama - has signed on to a letter with a bi-partisan group of 12 other former top national security officials expressing his "strong endorsement" of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense.

The list also includes several top national security officials for Republican presidents: Brent Scrowcroft (Bush 41), Mel Laird (Nixon), George Schultz (Reagan), Colin Powell (Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43), Robert McFarlane (Reagan).

It's a pretty impressive list.

Here's the letter:

--Original Message--

Today, a distinguished group of former Secretaries of State, Defense, and National Security Advisors sent the following letter to the Members of the United States Senate to strongly endorse the nomination of Chuck Hagel to be Secretary of Defense.


January 24, 2013

To Members of the United States Senate:

We, as former Secretaries of State, Defense, and National Security Advisors, are writing to express our strong endorsement of Chuck Hagel to be the next Secretary of Defense.

Chuck Hagel has an impeccable record of public service that reflects leadership, integrity, and a keen reading of global dynamics. From his time as Deputy Veterans Administrator managing a quarter of a million employees during the Reagan presidency, to turning around the financially troubled World USO, to shepherding the post-9/11 GI Bill into law as a United States Senator, and most recently through his service on the Defense Policy Board at the Pentagon and as co-Chairman of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board, Chuck Hagel is uniquely qualified to meet the challenges facing the Department of Defense and our men and women in uniform. As President Obama noted in announcing the nomination, this twice-wounded combat veteran "is a champion of our troops and our veterans and our military families" and would have the distinction of being the first person of enlisted rank and the first Vietnam veteran to serve as Secretary of Defense.

His approach to national security and debates about the use of American power is marked by a disciplined habit of thoughtfulness that is sorely needed and these qualities will serve him well as Secretary of Defense at a time when the United States must address a range of international issues that are unprecedented in scope. Our extensive experience working with Senator Hagel over the years has left us confident that he has the necessary background to succeed in the job of leading the largest federal agency.

Hagel has declared that we "knew we needed the world's best military not because we wanted war but because we wanted to prevent war." For those of us honored to have served as members of a president's national security team, Senator Hagel clearly understands the essence and the burdens of leadership required of this high office. We hope this Committee and the U.S. Senate will promptly and favorably act on his nomination.


Hon. Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State

Hon. Samuel Berger, former National Security Advisor

Hon. Harold Brown, former Secretary of Defense

Hon. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor

Hon. William Cohen, former Secretary of Defense

Hon. Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense

Hon. James Jones, former National Security Advisor

Hon. Melvin Laird, former Secretary of Defense

Hon. Robert McFarlane, former National Security Advisor

Hon. William Perry, former Secretary of Defense

Hon. Colin Powell, former Secretary of State and National Security Advisor

Hon. George Shultz, former Secretary of State

Hon. Brent Scowcroft, former National Security Advisor


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