Monday, August 20, 2012

Ron Paul Supporters Headed for the Republican Convention, Ready to Fight

Even though Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, has lost the race for the Republican nomination for president, many of his supporters will be going to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., ready to fight, both on delegate selection and on the platform.

Makeup of Maine delegation in doubt

The Bangor Daily News reports that Paul-supporting delegates from Maine will fly to Tampa unsure whether they will be seated or not. During the Maine Republican state convention in May, Paul supporters seized control of 21 of the 24 of that state's delegate slots. However GOP national committeewoman Jan Staples and Peter Cianchette, a former RNC committee member who incidentally is the state chair of the Mitt Romney campaign in Maine, have filed a complaint. They suggest that the Paul slate of delegates is illegitimate, citing a failure of many Paul supports to be properly credentialed at the state convention. This led, in their view, to illegal votes, a lack of a quorum in other votes, and a number of other violations of party and parliamentary rules.

Paul supporters fight over Louisiana delegation

Something of the opposite of what is happening in Maine is happening in Louisiana. The Paul campaign is challenging the makeup of the Louisiana delegation, citing a number of rule violations at that state's Republican convention, according to KPLC-TV. Paul supporters claim that the state Republican Party had required delegates to sign an affidavit requiring Louisiana delegates to vote for the candidate required by the State Central Committee. This, according to the Paul campaign, is a violation because convention rules were supposed to have been submitted the previous October. An appeal has already been rejected by the committee, but the Paul campaign has pledged to fight on.

Paul delegates will attempt to influence the Republican Party platform

According to the Los Angeles Times, Paul delegates who will be seated at the convention are attempting to insert some of their candidate's ideas into the official Republican Party platform. Provisions that Paul supporters are demanding include those that curb the power of the federal reserve, an enhancement of the constitutional rights of individuals, and restrictions on the overseas role of the American military. Thus far, supporters of Romney, the presumed nominee, have been voting down Paul proposals for the platform.

Paul planning convention party

While Paul is not on the list of official speakers, he intends to make his presence felt at the convention. According to Politico, Paul intends to hold a "Rally for the Liberty Delegates" at the Florida Sun Dome in Tampa on Sunday, Aug. 26, the day before the official opening of the convention. It is noted that unlike some other failed candidates, Paul still has some campaign cash left, which will be used to pay for the celebration.

Texas resident Mark Whittington writes about state issues for the Yahoo! Contributor Network.


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