Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Jersey Governor Officially Endorses Online Gaming Bill

Education Task Force

In news just released late this evening, it now appears that New Jersey governor Chris Chrisite is in favor of the new online gaming legislation being proposed in the NJ state legislature. As a result, state Senator Ray Lesniak expects the bill to be approved soon. Sen. Lesniak is the original sponsor of the bill and has been working closely with the governor towards an agreement that would make New Jersey the first state in the US with legalized online gaming.

The following is a transcript from comments made by the governor earlier today in New Brunswick:

?Well, we?re working hard with Senator Lesniak to try to get it right. Here?s my view on it. I think New Jersey should be in that business. I think we should be a epicenter for that business, but I want to do it right. I do not want to rush and get legislation that either doesn?t pass state constitutional muster, or creates other problems for us. So, I know that [Christie chief of staff] Kevin O?Dowd was working last night with Senator Lesniak on this issue, and I?m hopeful we can get it resolved as quick as possible.
Folks should know I favor it, I want to do it. I vetoed the last bill because I felt that it would open up the opportunity for there to be internet gambling houses all over the State of New Jersey. I don?t think that?s what anybody wants. But, I think being able to have this be an Atlantic City centric thing is something that makes sense to me. And given the Justice Department?s go ahead for people to be able to do it, I think we should go ahead and move on it. But, we have to do it in a responsible way and it should be Atlantic City-centric.?
After the governor?s comments on the matter, Sen. Lesniak made the following comments:

?I believe that Internet gaming has transformational potential for New Jersey?s gaming industries. While I remain hopeful that New Jersey can take the lead on this exciting new direction for wagering ? which would result in new revenues, new jobs, and new economic activity in the Garden State ? I recognize that the complex issues surrounding Internet wagering will take more time to iron out than we are afforded in the waning days of the current Legislative session.?
?This isn?t a question of ?if? New Jersey gets Internet wagering, but ?when.? My money?s on soon.?
This should be great news for citizens of New Jersey as it now appears that the state is well on its way towards legalized online poker. The only real potential roadblock will be if the legislature will be forced to have a state constitutional amendment for the measure.

Sen. Lesniak believes the legislature can do so with a bill, but others feel that an amendment may be needed. Horse racing lobbyist have even hinted that they may take legal action to force an amendment.

Should an amendment to the state constitution not be forced, expect this bill to go quickly through the legislature. Should New Jersey legalize online gaming, they would be the first state to offer all forms of gambling in the nation and not just poker, such as the case in Nevada.


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